Star Ring

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  • Regular price $25.00

The Star sigil was constructed from the 17th traditional tarot card.  The card was designed with 1 main star, 8 stars total, each 8 pointed.  The sigil replicates this image with a 16 pointed star.  The story of the card told of a woman pouring water from two vessels.  One into the pond, to keep it full for thirsty travelers. The other into the Earth, to nourish the soil so that it can grow fruit for the hungry.  The story is meant to instill hope for the future by acting in the now.  The stars in the sky help to guide the lost so that they may find their way, no matter the distance, or even perhaps their purpose.  The light of the stars is unyielding, and gift the same powerful energy to the wearer of this talisman.  Each ring comes with a printed sigil with details and an affirmation to be used however inteded.